651.592.2687 info@pazazwellness.com
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Caring Help for your Health Journey

A Holistic Approach

Since we are multi-faceted beings, it is important to treat the body as a whole. Rather than just focusing on a single area such as diet, supplements, exercise, energy work, manual manipulations or talk therapy; these areas and more are taken into account.  Often times a single issue will have multiple factors that need to be addressed before the issue will resolve. Krista is experienced in working with a wide range of healing protocols that can be categorized in the following areas:


Physical stress, accidents, injuries and poor movement habits can all cause the body to get out of alignment. We utilize gentle, manual manipulations targeting muscles, trigger points and lifestyle to bring the body back into structural alignment.


Food, supplements, body care and environmental inputs including viruses and bacteria all affect the body biochemically. We help identify any adjustments to diet and lifestyle that can help bring the body into balance along with supplement protocols to support the body for optimal wellness.


Emotions from the past and present can get stuck in the body causing energetic blockages that affect us both mentally and physically. We use various emotional clearing protocols including magnets, tapping and flower frequencies to clear stuck emotions and support emotional stability and resiliency.


We are energetic beings that are affected by the energetics in our environment…from cell phones to wifi, our bodies are bombarded with electrical signals that never used to exist. We help identify problem areas and offer remediation solutions and non-invasive energy work to help keep your electrical systems flowing freely.

Take the next step

Finding the right practitioner to partner with you on your journey to health can be a process. Let’s chat to see if we’ll be a good fit working together. Schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consult today!